[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'fpg_main' (#fpgui)


Defined a new "named" font


Source position: fpg_main.pas line 358

procedure fpgSetNamedFont(

  afontid: String;

  afontdesc: String



Defined a new "named" font. Because fpGUI is a cross-platform toolkit, the same fonts might not be available on all systems. For this reason fpGUI supports "named" or "alias names" for fonts. You can specify a font description, and then give that font description a name. Then any component that has a FontDesc property you can pass the full font description, or the "named" font name. An example of a named font is '#Edit1' which is the default font used for TfpgEdit.

Documentation generated on: 2010-08-30