[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'fpg_base' (#fpgui)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Abstract class used to represent a Canvas for painting


Source position: fpg_base.pas line 333

type TfpgCanvasBase = class(TObject)


  constructor Create(); virtual;

  destructor Destroy; override;

  procedure DrawRectangle();


Draws a rectangle.

  procedure DrawLine();


Draws a line

  procedure DrawLineClipped();


Draws a line inside a clip rectangle

  procedure ClipLine();


Clips the line based on AClipRect boundaries.

  procedure DrawImage();

  procedure DrawImagePart();

  procedure DrawArc();


Draws an outline arc shape

  procedure DrawPolygon();

  procedure StretchDraw();


Allows you to draw a bitmap, stretched or shrunken from its original size

  procedure CopyRect(); virtual;

  procedure DrawString();

  procedure FillRectangle();

  procedure FillTriangle();

  procedure FillArc();


Draws a filled arc shape

  procedure GradientFill();


Paints a rectangle with a gradient

  procedure XORFillRectangle();

  procedure SetClipRect();

  function GetClipRect;

  function GetLineWidth;

  procedure AddClipRect();

  procedure ClearClipRect;

  procedure Clear();

  procedure GetWinRect();

  procedure SetColor();

  procedure SetTextColor();

  procedure SetLineStyle();

  procedure SetFont();

  procedure BeginDraw();

  procedure EndDraw();

  procedure FreeResources;

  property Color: TfpgColor; [rw]

  property TextColor: TfpgColor; [rw]

  property Font: TfpgFontBase; [rw]

  property Pixels: TfpgColor; [rw]

  property InterpolationFilter: TfpgCustomInterpolation; [rw]

  property FastDoubleBuffer: Boolean; [rw]

  property LineStyle: TfpgLineStyle; [r]





Abstract class used to represent a Canvas for painting



Documentation generated on: 2015-04-04