[Overview][Classes][Procedures and functions][Index] |
[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]
Source position: fpg_grid.pas line 133
type TfpgStringGrid = class(TfpgCustomStringGrid) |
public |
published |
property AlternateBGColor: TfpgColor; |
property AutoHeight: Boolean; |
property BackgroundColor: TfpgColor; |
property BorderStyle: TfpgEditBorderStyle; |
property ColumnCount: Integer; |
property Columns: TfpgStringColumn; |
property ColumnWidth: Integer; |
property DefaultColWidth: Integer; |
property DefaultRowHeight: Integer; |
property Enabled: Boolean; |
property FocusCol: Integer; |
property FocusRow: Integer; |
property FontDesc: string; |
property HeaderFontDesc: string; |
property HeaderHeight: Integer; |
property HeaderStyle: TfpgGridHeaderStyle; |
property Hint: TfpgString; |
property Options: TfpgGridOptions; |
property ParentShowHint: Boolean; |
property PopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu; |
property RowCount: Integer; |
property RowSelect: Boolean; |
property ScrollBarStyle: TfpgScrollStyle; |
property ScrollBarPage: Integer; |
property ScrollBarWidth: Integer; |
property ShowGrid: Boolean; |
Enable or disable grid line painting |
property ShowHeader: Boolean; |
property ShowHint: Boolean; |
property TabOrder: Integer; |
property TopRow: Integer; |
property VisibleRows: Integer; |
property OnCanSelectCell: TfpgCanSelectCellEvent; |
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; |
property OnDoubleClick: TMouseButtonEvent; |
property OnDrawCell: TfpgDrawCellEvent; |
This event allows you to do custom painting of grid cells |
property OnEnter: TNotifyEvent; |
property OnExit: TNotifyEvent; |
property OnFocusChange: TfpgFocusChangeNotify; |
property OnHeaderClick: TfpgHeaderClick; |
property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; |
property OnMouseDown: TMouseButtonEvent; |
property OnMouseEnter: TNotifyEvent; |
property OnMouseExit: TNotifyEvent; |
property OnMouseMove: TMouseMoveEvent; |
property OnMouseUp: TMouseButtonEvent; |
property OnRowChange: TfpgRowChangeNotify; |
property OnShowHint: THintEvent; |
end; |
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This forms the basis of any visual widget in fpGUI |
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Encapsulates a top level or child window |
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Maps to a backend specific base class |
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Implements XLib specific windowing functionality |
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Abstract class use for representing a Window or Widget |
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A descendant of the FPC TComponent class |
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TComponent |
? | ||
TObject |