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A TfpgCustomLabel descendant that implements hyperlink support
Source position: fpg_hyperlink.pas line 35
type TfpgHyperlink = class(TfpgCustomLabel) |
public |
constructor Create(); override; |
procedure GoHyperLink; |
Jump to hyperlink. |
published |
property Alignment: TAlignment; |
property Autosize: Boolean; |
Its default is True, so the hyperlink width is automatically determined. |
property BackgroundColor: TfpgColor; |
property Enabled: Boolean; |
property FontDesc: string; |
Standard font for this component is Arial-8:antialias=true:underline |
property Hint: TfpgString; |
property HotTrackColor: TfpgColor; [rw] |
Same as HotTrackFont but for TextColor property when the mouse is over the hyperlink. |
property HotTrackFont: TfpgString; [rw] |
This property is the type of font when mouse is over the hyperlink |
property Parent: TfpgWidget; |
property ParentShowHint: Boolean; |
property ShowHint: Boolean; |
property Text: TfpgString; |
Text description for the hyperlink. |
Color of Text property. |
property URL: TfpgString; [rw] |
String type property that contains the hyperlink target. |
property WrapText: Boolean; |
property OnClick: TNotifyEvent; |
property OnShowHint: THintEvent; |
end; |
A TfpgCustomLabel descendant that implements hyperlink support |
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This forms the basis of any visual widget in fpGUI |
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Encapsulates a top level or child window |
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Maps to a backend specific base class |
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Implements XLib specific windowing functionality |
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Abstract class use for representing a Window or Widget |
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A descendant of the FPC TComponent class |
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TComponent |
? | ||
TObject |
This is a class to implement a hyperlink. Of course, such as all the other fpGUI components it is cross platform (Windows, Linux) but its behaviour can be different because of the the way the browser is called. Under Windows the ShellExecute Windows API is used, so you can have any web compliant URL as the hyperlink target. For example, the typical http:// hyperlink but also a mailto: link will work. Under Linux you can only use the typical http:// hyperlink.