[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'fpg_main' (#fpgui)

Index of all identifiers in unit 'fpg_main'

A  C  D  F  I  M  O  P  T 


adDown alClient alTop
adLeft AllAnchors anBottom
adRight alLeft anLeft
adUp alNone anRight
alBottom alRight anTop


CenterPoint cMessageQueueSize


DebugLn DebugSeparator
DebugMethodEnter DumpStack


fpgApplication fpgGetNamedColor fpgRectToRect
fpgCaret fpgGetNamedFontDesc fpgResetAllTimers
fpgCheckTimers fpgGetNamedFontList fpgSendMessage
fpgClipboard fpgGetTickCount fpgSetNamedColor
fpgClosestTimer fpgImages fpgSetNamedFont
fpgColorToRGB fpgInitTimers fpgSize
fpgDeleteFirstMessage fpgIsNamedColor fpgStyle
fpgDeliverMessage fpgPause FPGUI_VERSION
fpgDeliverMessages fpgPoint fpGUIName
fpgGetFirstMessage fpgPostMessage fpGUIWebsite
fpgGetFont fpgRect fpgWaitWindowMessage




mbLeft mbMiddle mbRight


OffsetRect operator +(TPoint, Integer): TPoint operator -(TPoint, Integer): TPoint
operator +(TfpgPoint, Integer): TfpgPoint operator +(TPoint, TfpgSize): TPoint operator -(TPoint, TPoint): TPoint
operator +(TfpgPoint, TfpgPoint): TfpgPoint operator +(TPoint, TPoint): TPoint operator =(TFPColor, TFPColor): Boolean
operator +(TfpgPoint, TfpgSize): TfpgPoint operator -(TfpgPoint, Integer): TfpgPoint operator =(TfpgSize, TfpgSize): Boolean
operator +(TfpgSize, Integer): TfpgSize operator -(TfpgPoint, TfpgPoint): TfpgPoint operator =(TPoint, TPoint): Boolean
operator +(TfpgSize, TfpgPoint): TfpgSize operator -(TfpgSize, Integer): TfpgSize operator =(TRect, TRect): Boolean
operator +(TfpgSize, TfpgSize): TfpgSize operator -(TfpgSize, TfpgPoint): TfpgSize orHorizontal
operator +(TfpgSize, TPoint): TfpgSize operator -(TfpgSize, TPoint): TfpgSize orVertical


PrintCallTrace PrintCoord
PrintCallTraceDbgLn PrintRect


TAlign TfpgFileList TKeyPressEvent
TAnchor TfpgFont TLayout
TAnchors TfpgFontResource tlBottom
TArrowDirection TfpgImage tlCenter
tbLeftBox TfpgImages tlTop
TBoxLayout TfpgMenuItemFlags TMouseButton
tbRightBox TfpgMimeData TMouseButtonEvent
TExceptionEvent TfpgStyle TMouseMoveEvent
TextFlagsDflt TfpgTextFlags TMouseWheelEvent
TfpgApplication TfpgTimer TMsgHookItem
TfpgButtonFlags TfpgWindow TOrientation
TfpgCanvas TIntKeyPressEvent TPaintEvent
TfpgCaret TIntMouseEvent TSizeParams
TfpgClipboard TKeyCharEvent txtWordDelims
TfpgDrag TKeyEvent

Documentation generated on: 2012-01-26