[Overview][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] Reference for unit 'fpg_widget' (#fpgui)


Sets the position and size of the component


Source position: fpg_widget.pas line 167

public procedure TfpgWidget.SetPosition(

  aleft: TfpgCoord;

  atop: TfpgCoord;

  awidth: TfpgCoord;

  aheight: TfpgCoord

); virtual;


Sets the position and size of the component. It also fires the Resize message. If you are setting up a component like a button on a form, you don't really want the resize event to fire for the button, before the form is displayed (visible). In that case, rather use the components Top, Left, Width and Height properties.

See also



Forces fpGUI to act on window position and size properties

Documentation generated on: 2012-01-26