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Concrete button class used in user interfaces to represent a push button
Source position: fpg_button.pas line 135
type TfpgButton = class(TfpgBaseButton) |
published |
property Align; |
property AllowAllUp; |
property AllowDown; |
property AllowMultiLineText; |
property BackgroundColor; |
property Default; |
property Down; |
property Embedded; |
property Enabled; |
property Flat; |
property FontDesc; |
property GroupIndex; |
property Height; |
Specifies the vertical size of the control or form in pixels |
property Hint; |
property ImageLayout; |
Defines where on the button the image will be displayed |
property ImageMargin; |
property ImageName; |
The registered name of a image to display on the button |
property ImageSpacing; |
The spacing between the Image and the Text |
property Left; |
Specifies the horizontal coordinate of the left edge of a component relative to its parent |
property MaxHeight; |
property MaxWidth; |
property MinHeight; |
property MinWidth; |
property ModalResult; |
property ParentShowHint; |
property ShowHint; |
property ShowImage; |
property TabOrder; |
property Text; |
property TextColor; |
property Top; |
property Width; |
property OnClick; |
property OnDragEnter; |
property OnDragLeave; |
property OnDragDrop; |
property OnDragStartDetected; |
property OnMouseDown; |
property OnMouseExit; |
property OnMouseEnter; |
property OnMouseMove; |
property OnMouseUp; |
property OnShowHint; |
end; |
Concrete button class used in user interfaces to represent a push button |
| | ||
Base class that represents a push button control |
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This forms the basis of any visual widget in fpGUI |
| | ||
Encapsulates a top level or child window |
| | ||
Maps to a backend specific base class |
| | ||
Implements XLib specific windowing functionality |
| | ||
Abstract class use for representing a Window or Widget |
| | ||
A descendant of the FPC TComponent class |
| | ||
TComponent |
? | ||
TObject |
Concrete button class used in user interfaces to represent a push button. This class is a descendant of TfpgBaseButton and simply publishes various properties for runtime type information.
Base class that represents a push button control |