[Overview][Types][Classes][Index] Reference for unit 'fpg_basegrid' (#fpgui)


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]


Source position: fpg_basegrid.pas line 53

type TfpgBaseGrid = class(TfpgWidget)


  property UpdateCount: Integer; [r]

  procedure UpdateScrollBars; virtual;

  function GetHeaderText(); virtual;

  function GetColumnWidth(); virtual;

  procedure SetColumnWidth(); virtual;

  function GetBackgroundColor(); virtual;

  function GetColumnBackgroundColor(); virtual;

  procedure SetColumnBackgroundColor(); virtual;

  function GetColumnTextColor(); virtual;

  procedure SetColumnTextColor(); virtual;

  function GetColumnCount; virtual;

  function GetRowCount; virtual;

  function CanSelectCell();

  function DoDrawCellEvent(); virtual;

  procedure DoCanSelectCell();

  procedure DrawCell(); virtual;

  procedure DrawHeader(); virtual;

  procedure DrawGrid(); virtual;

  procedure HandlePaint; override;

  procedure HandleShow; override;

  procedure HandleResize(); override;

  procedure HandleKeyPress(); override;

  procedure HandleMouseScroll(); override;

  procedure HandleMouseMove(); override;

  procedure HandleLMouseUp(); override;

  procedure HandleLMouseDown(); override;

  procedure HandleRMouseUp(); override;

  procedure FollowFocus; virtual;

  property AlternateBGColor: TfpgColor; [rw]

  property BorderStyle: TfpgEditBorderStyle; [rw]

  property DefaultColWidth: Integer; [rw]

  property DefaultRowHeight: Integer; [rw]

  property Font: TfpgFont; [r]

  property FontDesc: String; [rw]

  property HeaderFont: TfpgFont; [r]

  property HeaderFontDesc: String; [rw]

  property FocusCol: Integer; [rw]

  property FocusRow: Integer; [rw]

  property HeaderStyle: TfpgGridHeaderStyle; [rw]

  property RowSelect: Boolean; [rw]

  property ColumnCount: Integer; [r]

  property PopupMenu: TfpgPopupMenu; [rw]

  property RowCount: Integer; [r]

  property ShowHeader: Boolean; [rw]

  property ShowGrid: Boolean; [rw]

  property ScrollBarStyle: TfpgScrollStyle; [rw]

  property HeaderHeight: Integer; [r]

  property TotalColumnWidth: Integer; [r]

  property ColumnWidth: Integer; [rw]

  property ColumnBackgroundColor: TfpgColor; [rw]

  property ColumnTextColor: TfpgColor; [rw]

  property VisibleRows: Integer; [r]

  property TopRow: Integer; [rw]

  property Options: TfpgGridOptions; [rw]

  property OnDrawCell: TfpgDrawCellEvent; [rw]

  property OnFocusChange: TfpgFocusChangeNotify; [rw]


This even is fired as soon as the focused cell has changed

  property OnRowChange: TfpgRowChangeNotify; [rw]


This even is fired as soon as the focused row has changed

  property OnCanSelectCell: TfpgCanSelectCellEvent; [rw]


This event allows the program to decide if a cell can be selected or not


  constructor Create(); override;

  destructor Destroy; override;

  procedure AfterConstruction; override;

  procedure Update;

  procedure BeginUpdate;

  procedure EndUpdate;

  procedure MouseToCell();








Documentation generated on: 2012-01-26